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Slide Shows

Slide Show Presentations

Our engaging slide shows present the key skills and knowledge you need to quickly get moving with your evaluation.

# Documents Downloads Size MB Created Modified
1 From program logic to monitoring and evaluation plan
This presentation shows you how to use the information in your program logic to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan.
27340 0.475648 13.01.2011 13.01.2011
2 How to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan
This presentation takes you through the steps to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for your project, inlcuding identifying the evaluation audience, evaluation questions, monitoring questions, and information needs, and data collection methods.
49987 0.6272 13.01.2011 13.01.2011
3 How to develop a Problem/Solution Tree
This presentation provides a short tutorial on what is and how to undertake a problem tree and solution tree.
73225 2.31936 23.09.2011 26.09.2011
4 How to develop a program logic
This self-paced presentation takes you throught the steps to developing a program logic for your project.
27807 1.74336 13.01.2011 13.01.2011
5 How to develop a questionnaire presentation
This presentation shows you how to develop a questionnaire, including how to word questions, and how to use response scales.
14104 0.391168 11.01.2011 11.01.2011
6 How to hold an ORID Focus Group
This presentation shows you how to hold an ORID focus group.
8793 0.295424 11.01.2011 11.01.2011
7 How to identify monitoring questionstions from your program logic
This presentation shows you how to identify monitoring questions from your program logic.
17741 0.441344 13.01.2011 13.01.2011
8 LFA Training Day 1 Slides
Day 1 (of 4) Slides for the LFA training delivered as part of the the EU-funded and SPC managed GGCA:PSIS project.
15696 0.922578 15.07.2014 15.07.2014
9 LFA Training Day 2 Slides
Day 2 (of 4) Slides for the LFA training delivered as part of the the EU-funded and SPC managed GCCA:PSIS project.
10117 0.756086 15.07.2014 15.07.2014
10 LFA Training Day 3 Slides
Day 3 (of 4) Slides for the LFA training delivered as part of the the EU-funded and SPC managed GCCA:PSIS project.
16287 0.913152 15.07.2014 15.07.2014
11 LFA Training Day 4 Slides
Day 4 (of 4) Slides for the LFA training delivered as part of the the EU-funded and SPC managed GCCA:PSIS project.
13121 0.674004 15.07.2014 15.07.2014
12 Logical Framework Approach presentation
This presentation provides a summary of the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) which can help you with designing a new project and planning your evaluation.
22081 1.107456 10.12.2013 10.12.2013
13 What is Evaluation Presentation
A presentation that steps you through some foundation concepts of monitoring and evaluation.
30224 1.562624 11.01.2011 11.01.2011
Donate Now

Please make a donation to upgrade the Evaluation Toolbox.

The Evaluation Toolbox is maintained by Damien Sweeney and Martin Pritchard from PREA as their in-kind contribution back to the community. The Toolbox now needs several weeks of work to review and upgrade all the contents and add new content for you. Work has begun and we are seeking your donation (big or small) to help support this major upgrade. Email us to indicate what you want to be included in the Toolbox.

case study

What is the Toolbox?

The toolbox aims to provide a one-stop-site for the evaluation of community sustainability engagement projects that aim to change household behaviours. Through the toolbox you can learn how to conduct your own evaluation of a behaviour change project using the guides and templates provided.

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Why Evaluate?

Conducting an evaluation is considered good practice in managing a project.

The monitoring phase of project evaluation allows us to track progress and identify issues early during implementation, thus providing and opportunity to take corrective action or make proactive improvements as required.

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City of Whitehorse City of Whitehorse